OpTek laser lensing produces high-performance lens forms directly onto the end of an optical fiber.

The non-contact lensing process is incredibly fast and uses on-line imaging to ensure accurate centration of the lens to the fiber. The optical quality of the laser cleave is unsurpassed. In telecom applications, the reproducibility of the lens and the exceptionally low-scatter of the processed surface provides enhanced performance.

In high power applications, the LaserCleave™ process gives very high damage-threshold surfaces, which can also be produced directly on free-standing fibers, and, if necessary, on non-round fibers. In all cases, the speed of the Laser Lensing process gives unbeatable cost-effectiveness.

Moreover, the reliability and reproducibility of the process, together with the ability to process parts already assembled into fixtures or ferrules, allows the whole manufacturing sequence to be optimized, with the laser cleaving process, which produces the final optical quality end, carried out as the final step in the assembly.

Laser Lens Advantages

Lens Radius

  • <5-15µm for standard process
  • Standard tolerance is ±10%

Lens Orientation

  • Lens orientation to stress rods
  • Orientation to ferrule


  • 10 to a few 10's of seconds per lens (depends on type)

Precise Lens Position

  • Lens position can be referenced to fixed feature on the fiber such as metalization

High Damage Threshold 

  • Laser lensing produces high damage-threshold facets for use in fiber-laser applications

Geometric Form 

  • Choice of precise shape of end-face, including angled lens forms and removal of scrap angles

Optical Quality

  • Lower scatter than conventionally polished ends

Non-Contact Process

  • No tool wear, or mechanical damage to the fiber

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